Eva Kram

I graduated from Tartu Health Care College in Physiotherapy in 2012. After graduation, I moved to London where I received my Master’s degree from the University College of London. I am specialized in rehabilitation of performers, especially dancers.

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Physical therapy

The key purpose of physical therapy is treatment of existing medical issues of the skeletal system (muscles, bones, ligaments) and prevention of health disorders.
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The appointment starts with a conversation with the patient. Together with the patient, we analyze the activities and factors that may have led to or exacerbated the symptoms. This is followed by an assessment of joint mobility, muscle strength and movement patterns and orthopaedic or neurological tests to determine the cause of the problem.

Based on the findings, an individual treatment plan is given to the patient. This includes individual exercises to relieve pain, improve mobility and muscle strength and prevent further injuries or problems.

Exercises are done with the correct technique and advice will be given to achieve the goals. If necessary, treatment is also combined with other interventions (manual therapy, dry needling, kinesio taping, etc.).

The physiotherapist will also give recommendations for ergonomics. If necessary, orthoses and other aids are prescribed.

Is suitable for:

  • Acute or chronic pain in joints, muscles or tendons
  • Neck and back pain
  • Headache
  • Joint problems (hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow or wrist joints)
  • Problems with training or overuse injuriesย 
  • Pain following trauma
  • Pre and postoperativelyย 

Even if you have no complaints and want advice on exercise and health to prevent problems. The best treatment is prevention!

Includesย :

  • Patient evaluation
  • Creating an individual exercise program
  • Manual therapy and soft tissue therapy techniques
  • Kinesio taping (if required)
  • Posture adjustment
  • Ergonomic advice
  • Prescribing orthoses and other aids
  • Support and adjustments throughout the recovery process.


The absolute contraindications are:

  • Acute heart, kidney or liver failure
  • Acute traumas (first 72h)
  • Skin infection, other infectious disease or thyroid disease

Relative contraindications are (it is advisable to consult a doctor or specialist):

  • Malignancies or suspected tumour
  • High or low blood pressureย 
  • The third trimester of pregnancy

Frequently asked questions

Iยดm having pain in my neck or back. Which treatment would be most suitable for me?

  • It is advisable to start with physiotherapy first to determine the exact cause of the problem. The physiotherapist will choose an appropriate individual approach to resolve the problem.ย 

How to prepare for a physiotherapist's appointment?

  • For the appointment bring comfortable sportswear. If you have been referred by a family doctor, please bring the referral letter or send it digitally in advance to info@profysio.ee. If you have been referred by an orthopedist or other specialist, please bring an epicrisis including diagnostic procedures, surgeries and treatment recommendations.

What are โ€œrelative contraindicationsโ€?

  • For relative contraindications, we recommend that you consult your doctor first to make sure that physiotherapy is indicated and does not worsen the condition. With malignancies or suspected malignancies, therapeutic exercise is permitted and recommended, and you will also receive advice on pain reduction and how to continue normal daily activities. In this case, manual physiotherapy is contraindicated.
  • Blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or more should be treated with medication. Exercising with very low blood pressure (less than 80/60 mmHg) may worsen the condition. In this case, the cause of very low blood pressure should be determined first. When blood pressure is treated with medication, physiotherapy is highly recommended to receive advice on lifestyle changes and appropriate forms of exercise.
  • During the third trimester of pregnancy, it is allowed to do exercises and apply kinesio tape to relieve the symptoms. Manual therapy is contraindicated.

What referral can you use?

Dear customer

Please note that in the Profysio clinic paid services are offered. In addition, referrals from your Family Doctor through the Therapy Fund with service code 7050 are valid until 01.07.2024, which partially covers the service costs. More information here.

In our clinic referrals are not valid for the Physical Therapy service, which is 100% covered by the Health Insurance Fund.

Profysio team
